The experience of Yolanda Pérez
31 Mar, 2019
«We need resources to investigate, both in Santiago and in the Hospital of La Paz to see if we can eradicate this disease.»
Experience in the treatment and importance of the lipodystrophy approach
26 Mar, 2019
Importance of the early diagnostic and information to patients
How to diagnose a rare disease for the first time: "The worst that can happen to you"
28 Feb, 2019
The name Celia's Encephalopathy is a tribute to Celia's memory and was chosen in agreement with her parents, to whom we are deeply indebted for their collaboration and commitment to research.
"Galicia, holy grail of rare diseases"
28 Feb, 2019
Francisco, patient of Dr. David Araújo-Vilar, has an atypical progeroid syndrome that presents with a generalized lipodystrophy.
Samy Basso, the young scientist working hand in hand with Carlos López-Otín to look for a cure for his "lightning aging"
18 Feb, 2019
El joven científico Sammy Basso busca una cura para su 'envejecimiento relámpago'
Sammy Basso, Carlos López-Otín and the research group
"Prof. David Araújo-Vilar participates in a global study of lipodystrophy"
14 Oct, 2016
El Faro de Vigo (press article)"Genetics and decades of research confront a rare disease in the region of Murcia"
25 Jun, 2016
Europa Press (press article)"The Celia's Encephalopathy, the degenerative syndrome with six cases all over the world"
7 Jun, 2016
Público (press article)"Celia, the girl who gave name to a disease with only 6 cases in the world"
6 Jun, 2016
BBC (press article)
AELIP president: "We must go on in a network to overcome rare diseases"
13 Mar, 2016
La Voz de Galicia (press article)
"The only case in the world of a rare disease is being treated in Santiago de Compostela"
9 Mar, 2016
La Voz de Galicia (press article)