Our group is a multidisciplinary team with experience in the clinical and molecular study of rare diseases, particularly family lipodystrophies and neurogenetic syndromes.

Team Leader and Principal Investigator


David Araújo Vilar, MD, PhD
[email protected]

Associate Professor
(Profesor Titular) of Medicine at USC
Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition
Responsible of the
Lipodystrophy Unit
President-Founder of the Spanish Society of Lipodystrophies
Chairman of the Governing Board of ECLip

+34 881 815 426 / +34 881 815 446

Principal Investigator

 Álvaro Hermida Ameijeiras, MD, PhD

[email protected]
Associate Professor (Profesor Contratado Doctor) of Medicine at USC
Specialist in Internal Medicine



Sofía Sánchez Iglesias, PhD
[email protected]

Assistant Professor (Profesora Ayudante Doctor) of Biochemistry at USC
Post-doc researcher & Lab manager


Antía Fernández Pombo, MD, PhD
[email protected]

Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition
Visiting Professor at the University of California Davis
Post-doc researcher (contrato Juan Rodés)


Silvia Cobelo Gómez
[email protected]

Biotechnologist, PhD student


Antón Cruces Sande, PhD
[email protected]

Pharmacist, Post-doc fellow (IDIS)

 Everardo Josué Díaz López
[email protected]
Graduate in Medicine, PhD student
 Teresa Prado Moraña
[email protected]
Graduate in Medicine, PhD student

María González Rodríguez
[email protected]



Fermín Rey Fernández

[email protected]
Undergraduate Medicine student (TFG)


Laura Rey Calvo

[email protected]
Undergraduate Medicine student (TFG)


Laura Rodríguez Sobrino

[email protected]
Graduate in Biotechnology
TFM (2023-2024), TFG (2022-2023)


Roque Devesa Fernández

[email protected]
Undergraduate Medicine student (TFG)

 Raquel Domínguez Domínguez
[email protected]
Undergraduate Biotechnology student (TFG)

Nasrin Azouzi Azzouzi

[email protected]
Undergraduate Medicine student (TFG)



Joaquín Lado Abeal, MD, PhD
[email protected]
Full Professor (Catedrático) of Medicine at USC
Full Professor (Catedrático) of Internal Medicine at UMKC (University of Kansas)

Associate Professor
(Profesor Titular) of Medicine at USC

Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition


Cristina Guillín Amarelle, MD, PhD
[email protected]

Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition


Leticia Rodríguez Cañete, MD
[email protected]

Specialist in Endocrinology and Nutrition

 Laura Lampón Fernández
[email protected]
Technician (2021)

Lía García Formoso
[email protected]

Graduate in Medicine
TFG (2019-2020)


Alberto Níñez Díaz

[email protected]
Graduate in Medicine
TFG (2021-2022)


Andrés Antelo Abeijón

[email protected]
Graduate in Medicine
TFG (2021-2022)


Carmen Francisco Díaz

[email protected]
Graduate in Medicine
TFG (2021-2022)


Mariví Pérez Arnoso

[email protected]
Graduate in Biology
TFG (2021-2022)


Alicia Tahoces Rodríguez

[email protected]
Graduate in Biology
TFG (2022-2023)